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Our Patients, Our Priority

Responding to COVID-19

All of us at Greenbrook TMS are committed to ensuring access to critically needed care while maintaining safety and comfort for all of our patients and staff members. The Department of Homeland Security lists healthcare as part of our nation’s critical infrastructure, and we are proud and honored to continue to provide care to those who need it. During this challenging time, we know treating depression and OCD is more important than ever, and we plan to stay open to care for our patients. We’re closely monitoring COVID-19 (coronavirus) updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and local health authorities to make decisions concerning our operations. Patients will be notified in case of disruptions to appointments or treatment schedules due to center closures. The uncertainty of this situation is stressful for many, and we encourage you to reach out for support if you feel overwhelmed. Resources such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) and the Crisis Text Line (text 741-741) are accessible at no cost and around the clock.

A letter to Greenbrook patients from Bill Leonard, founder and CEO of Greenbrook TMS NeuroHealth Centers

As our nation works to contain the spread of COVID-19 and care for those who have become ill, nearly every aspect of daily life has been affected. Each change—whether in work, school or family—produces stress on its own. Multiple changes, happening unexpectedly and simultaneously, can cause significant distress and, left unaddressed, can worsen symptoms of depression and OCD.

All of us at Greenbrook recognize that treating depression and OCD is more important now than ever before. We are committed to providing you the care you need, and so I want to share information on steps we are taking to ensure that you’ll have access to your Greenbrook care team and to your TMS therapy treatment during this challenging and unprecedented national emergency:

At our centers:

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols
  • Guidance to staff regarding understanding risk factors and symptoms of COVID-19, both to protect their own health and to recognize circumstances where it may be appropriate to ask a symptomatic patient not to come in

Expanding options for virtual care:

  • Launch of a text messaging platform enabling you to stay in touch with your care team.
  • Creating a dedicated, private Facebook group for current patients where our licensed psychiatrists can share information and resources
  • An opportunity to ask self-care questions via social media using the hashtag #AskGreenbrookTMS. Our care team will post responses to the most frequently asked questions

We are honored that you’ve entrusted us to provide TMS therapy, and so we take seriously our responsibility to provide you with the best possible treatment experience. Our current national emergency presents uncharted waters for all of us—and we are here for you. 


Bill Leonard
Founder & CEO, Greenbrook TMS NeuroHealth Centers

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